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Submission Package Forms

P6 Submission Package Forms (Transmittal Letter updated June 26, 2023)

ENV SoSC Form CSAP Annotated SoSC
ENV Fillable SoSC pdf Feb 1, 2021 CSAP Annotated SoSC Apr 24, 2020
** Please use this form when submitting. ** Please refer to this Annotated version as a guide when completing the ENV SoSC Form.

The new online CSSAF is to be used for all contaminated sites service applications. The new version has been significantly updated to better align with current terminology and requirements. (Jan 4, 2022)

For the other new forms like the SDS and NOIR, for example, both the online CHEFs version and the PDF version remain available; although, use of the online format is recommended. (online forms available at ENV website: Forms)

NoIR (fillable ENV pdf, Feb 1, 2021)

NoOM (fillable ENV pdf, Feb 1, 2021)

SRCR (fillable ENV pdf, Feb 1, 2021)

CSAP Transmittal Letter (June 26, 2023)(submit Word version)

CSAP Communications Template (Sep 30, 2022)

Arms Length Review of Submission Template [doc 38kb]

ENV Borehole Form (excel spreadsheet)

CSAP Screening List

Other Ministry Forms

Current instrument templates, cover letters and recently released ENV instruments are available through the Submission Manager:

ENV Administrative Bulletin 3: Omnibus Amendment Transition 2016-2017

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