Board of Directors

The CSAP Board of Directors is comprised of elected Directors At-Large and representatives from three of the four parent organizations [Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEG BC), College of Applied Biologists (CAB), BC Institute of Agrologists (BCIA), and Association of the Chemical Profession of BC (ACP BC)], as well as Appointed Directors from industry groups, local governments, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and a lay representative.

The CSAP Board of Directors is a working board, and as such, each elected director chairs a committee and/or serves on the Executive Committee. Detailed information on the Board committees is available here.

Directors At-Large

Andrew Sorensen, P.Eng.

Tara Siemens Kennedy, MET, P.Chem.
Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer

Mandeep Purewal, MET, R.P.Bio., P.Ag.
Chair, Membership Committee

Michael Gill, P.Eng.
Chair, Governance Committee

David Mitchell, P.Eng.
Chair, Professional Development Sub-committee

Parent Organization Directors

Jason Christensen, P.Eng.
Chair, Performance Assessment Committee

Travis Deeter, P.Ag.
Chair, Technical Review Committee

Beth Power, RP.Bio.
Chair, Discipline Committee

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Appointed Directors

Environmental Representative
Jana McLean, Iris Legal Law

Industry Representative
Jason Tonin, Beedie Development Group

Local Government Representative
Christiaan Iacoe, City of Vancouver

Ministry Representative
Carrie Nugent