About Us

The Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals (CSAP) is an independent professional organization that is mandated by the Provincial Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (ENV), to review environmental certification applications made under the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation. CSAP credentials its members and recommends they be appointed to ENV’s Roster of Approved Professionals (APs).

In BC, ENV is responsible for regulations detailing safe and legal levels of soil and water contaminants. Members of the CSAP are qualified to review all low to medium environmental certification applications to ensure these regulations are being met.  They perform an important role for the government and for landowners by addressing potential contamination issues in a timely manner which helps advance redevelopment projects. All low to medium risk sites seeking an ENV Certificate of Compliance must be reviewed by a Contaminated Site Approved Professional.

The Role of Approved Professionals in Environmental Site Assessments, Cleanup and Obtaining a Regulatory Certificate (click to view)

An overview (PDF) of CSAP including membership makeup, submissions history, and other details can be found here.

CSAP Vision Statement:

CSAP Society, trusted professionals for sound environmental stewardship.

CSAP Mission Statement:

To serve government, the public and industry by evaluating and advancing the practice and quality of contaminated sites management within BC’s regulatory framework.

Economic Impact Research

Economic Impacts from Remediated Low to Moderate Risk Contaminated Sites Study    (December 2021)