History of CSAP
The Contaminated Sites Regulation (“CSR”) came into force on April 1, 1997.
The BC Ministry of Environment and Parks (“ENV”) identified a need to address a backlog of applications and proposed the idea of external review services. This would provide a mechanism to provide proponents an alternative means for review of applications for legal instruments* now authorized under the CSR.
* Legal instruments (now certification documents)
In the first stage amendments to the CSR, section 49.1 created the legal authority to make recommendations for legal instruments for low- to moderate-risk sites that apply numerical standards.
The Roster auditing function for submissions (subsequently termed “quality reviews”) evolved from being conducted by ENV staff (2000–2003), to one ENV auditor and one Roster member auditor (2003–2004), to two Roster member reviewers and submission of the quality review findings to the ENV representative on the Roster Steering Committee (2005–2008).
ENV issues Final Report of the Minister’s Advisory Panel on Contaminated Sites dated January 16, 2003. A Licenced Environmental Professional (“LEP”) Subcommittee was established under the Roster Steering Committee (“Roster”) and was tasked with developing an LEP system to implement the Panel Report recommendations. The term Licenced Environmental Professional later transitioned into “Approved Professional.”
The Environmental Management Act (“EMA”) replaced the Waste Management Act, and the term “Approved Professional” was included in Part 4 of the EMA. The July 28, 2004, version of Protocol 6 replaced the designation “Professional Expert” with “Approved Professional”.
A risk assessment exam was held for the first time.
The September 1, 2007, version of Protocol 6 was expanded to authorize risk-based standards Approved Professionals to make recommendations for certifications (legal instruments) using risk-based standards.
- On July 2, 2008, the Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals (“CSAP Society” or “Society”) became fully operational. Catherine Schachtel was hired as CSAP Society’s first Executive Director.
- Initial CSAP Society membership was at 71 APs.
- 80 submissions were processed in the first year of CSAP Society’s operation.
- At the end of 2008, there was a total of 81 members.
The first annual report issued by CSAP Society covered the time period of April 1, 2008, to March 31, 2009.