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The CSAP Society is committed to providing members and prospective members with education and training. Professional development activities are held for members on a regular basis. CSAP committee work and exam development workshop participation also provide opportunities for members to stay current.

CSAP members must accumulate at least 150 Professional Development hours over each three-year period and a minimum of 30 Professional Development hours per year. Members are responsible for maintaining records of Professional Development hours and must provide the hours to the CSAP Society along with remittance of annual membership fees.

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For more information on the requirements, review here: CSAP Membership Guidelines
To track your Professional Development hours, visit: Member’s Area
To see past PD Workshops presentations, view here: PD Workshops


Protocols are technical procedures that are legally required under the Contaminated Sites Regulation.


Procedures are used by Ministry of Environment staff to guide their administration of the contaminated sites legislation and regulations.


The Ministry of Environment has adopted polices for contaminated sites which focus on scientific, technical and legal policy decisions. Relevant reports and recommendations.