2024 CSAP Election of Parent Organization Representatives Candidates’ Statements

BCIA Representative

Travis Deeter, P.Ag.
Numerical Standards Approved Professional
Thank you for considering me for the position of Director representing the BC Institute of Agrologists (BCIA). During my previous tenure on the CSAP Professional Development Committee, I gained significant insight into the learning opportunities and industry topics that were most important to members of our society, and I look forward to putting that experience to good use as a member of the CSAP Board of Directors, should I be elected. I would also like to see greater collaboration between CSAP and the BCIA on subjects that are relevant to both associations and am excited to explore those opportunities further.

CAB Representative

Beth Power, R.P.Bio
Risk-based Standards Specialist

  • Registered Professional Biologist (#541) with 35 years of professional experience.
  • Joined as Risk CSAP in 2005 and previously served as Technical Review Committee (TRC) member (2x), Chair of TRC, Board Member. Currently Governance Committee member.
  • Strengths: strategic, teamwork, persistent but positive, reliable, trained in conflict resolution, mentors next generation.
  • Reasons to run: (1) To represent the R.P.Bio.-based membership and Risk APs more generally (with a solid appreciation of the work of numeric CSAPs), and (2) CSAP is already well-administered but 2023-2024 Strategic Plan pushes us beyond current envelope on topics that fit with my experience (e.g., building awareness, proactive interactions).

EGBC Representative

Jason Christensen, P.Eng.
Numerical Standards Approved Professional
I would be honoured for you to consider me as the EGBC representative. I have over 20 years’ experience as an environmental engineer and 8 years as an Approved Professional working on contaminated sites. I have been a Delegated Member on the Performance Assessment Committee for three years and also work with the CSAP exam development team. I am an active member having made 20 Protocol 6 Submissions to CSAP and I have participated in over 20 Performance Assessments. I believe strongly in the CSAP process and would like to foster CSAP’s role in the regulatory process. I am interested in continuing to contribute to the society in working with board members, BC ENV, and other stakeholders.

Tony Gillett, P.Eng.
Numerical Standards Approved Professional
I’ve been a Numerical Standards AP since 2004 and an active CSAP member having served on a variety of committees since 2008 including as a director from 2016 to 2020 and president in 2019/20. During this time, I’ve seen and been a part of a lot of change in the role of APs, the regulatory environment in which we operate, and the contaminated sites consulting field as a whole. If elected to serve on the board again, my commitment to you is to focus on continuing to streamline and simplify CSAP processes and enhance opportunities for learning for all members.